Purchase your Timucua Dollars by clicking on the button below.  Also you can purchase them by mailing a money order made out to RofT CSRI at the address under the contact us page.   In addition you can send cash.  If there is a specific arrangement that you want for your bills please indicate that through a message to the CSRI either by e-mail or by a letter with your snail mail order.

Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$1.00 Note 

Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$2.00 Note 

Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$5.00 Note  

 Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$10.00 Note  

  Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$20.00 Note  

Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$50.00 Note   

Click on the button below to purchase 1  T$100.00 Note    

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