If you are needing to exchange Timucua Dollars for US Dollars send in the Timucua Dollars to the snail mail address of the CSRI.  We will then send back to you 90% of the face value of the Timucua Dollars in US Currency based on the current exchange rate listed on the home page of our website.  The remaining 10% of the face value of the Timucua Dollars goes to operational costs of the CSRI. 

At the present exchange rate for each T$1.oo Timucua Dollars you are seeking to exchange you will receive $0.90 US Dollars.

The CSRI will keep this page updated as the exchange rate changes. 


When sending in requests for exchange to US Dollars please include with your package the following: your name, your address to send the money order to, and information on how you want the money order made payable to.

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